A small and useful program to login and keep you connected to:
Telia HomeRun
Telia Broadband (Flexicom / ADSL)
Telia Internet Cable (ComHem)
Tiscali Bredband
Login and Logoff
You can connect or disconnect by one simple command
Start and login
The daemon can easily be started upon boot through the
standard rc.d. If the first connection try fails it
shows a warning message (only once) and automatically
retries again in 10 sec. until the connection is successful.
Keep Alive
To avoid getting disconnected all the time I have a
keepalive feature with user setable delay
your get disconnected in spite of the keep alive function,
all you have to do is to sent a new start command.
System Requirements
LF Connection
Keeper is programmed in ANSI C for 32 bit Intel Linux
systems using GLIBC 2.0 / 2.1.
Note that for
the moment I only release binaries, we'll see what happens
in the future...
Since LF Connection Keeper is designed for use
with Telia's broadband Internet services it will
not be of any use to other
Release History
- 2000-11-16
Included support for Telia's new ELAS login servers
and optimized the code a bit.
Also changed the location of the program files.
Don't forget to remove your old installation of version
v0.1 - 2000-03-20
This was the first released Linux version.
need to be user root during the whole installation.
- Extract
the files to a temporary directory by typing:
tar zxf ./LFConKeep_linux02.tgz
You should now have a directory named
- Copy
the program files:
cd ./lfconkeep/
cp ./lfck /usr/local/bin
cp ./lfck.conf /etc/
- Setup
auto start by copying the file rlfck to e.g.
your /etc/rc.d/init.d dir.
- Create
symbolic links to the rlfck file in your rc#.d dirs:
(rc2.d, rc3.d etc.)
cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
ln -s ../init.d/rlfck S99lfck
- Edit
the configuration file lfck.conf.
- Start
the program manually with:
/usr/local/bin/lfck start
- Stop
the program manually with:
/usr/local/bin/lfck stop
Feel free to contact me at support@lfdomain.com if you have any questions or suggestions regarding
LF Connection Keeper
Please respect that I do not leave any support regarding your internet connection or LAN. Your ISP's support beares that responsibility.
Join our mailing list to receive information about program updates in your email
Price List
Connection Keeper is shareware for commercial and
educational use. It's freeware for private
non-commercial use only.
If you're running
a business from your home you'll need a commercial
In order to run LF Connection Keeper on
a server you'll need one server license per server and
additional client licenses for every client computer
that advantage of the servers Internet
To buy
licenses or if you have any order related questions,
contact me at order@lfdomain.com. |
Type |
Server |
Client |
Commercial |
350:- |
150:- |
Educational |
150:- |
100:- |
Prices are in Swedish Krona |