Our gathered cross field knowledge allows us to see the whole picture from hardware, system setup, database design, software design, to an easy to use user interface. This enables us to provide you with a complete solution that fully matches your needs.
Software Engineering - C, C++, VC++, MFC, VB, Java, PHP
With a broad experience in software engineering, both as part of a team and independent contractor, we have a lot to contribute to your development team; from the first concept outline to implementation of the final product. The past decades have been full of exciting architecture, development and maintenance of C and C++ applications under both distributed and embedded Linux and Unix systems as well as in Microsoft Visual C++ for Windows using Microsoft Foundation Classes. By working closely together with our clients, we make sure the resulting product is exactly what they asked for or even better. |
Database Design and Management - SQL, MySQL, MSSQL, ODBC
If you have a great amount of data or just want to be able to access it in quick flexible ways, you could benefit from a database driven application or homepage. The key to a fast database dependent application is to design an efficient database structure from scratch. We mainly work with one of the top performing database servers called MySQL which is totally free to use and runs on most platforms. We can however use MSSQL or any other SQL database on the market. |
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